
Showing posts from June, 2023


I keep thinking I cannot be affectionate, but without a stuffed animal being a proxy for a character I have a crush on, or when I beluef the spirit of one could inhabit a plush, I cannot imagine glomming onto another doll without that idea. I used to be snuggly, as I am told but that changed after the spine surgery I had at age 6. Now I am weird with cuddling. Or hugging. And kissing is out of the question 


 I think a lot of my inner monolouging and preparing conversations spiked when I got the internet, back in the inside the web days of the gryphon's guild. as the togetherness of community seemed to set up the idea people care about the members and what they need to say. a "hey I was away for 3 days because vacation, here is what happened" I was going to do that in this echo chamber about going to Ontario from friday to monday, but now I don't . and I hope I stop preparing and rerembering this. it was ok. my mom wanted to see her husband and his family. there were some mishaps in travel, and him forgetting he can't come to Niagra with us in the car, because we were leaving after Niagra. my mom can't drive him home 2 hours away, then take 2 hours back, when it takes 5 or 6 hours to get back to New Jersey. we ate at a buffet where you order from an Ipad. we got to much food and I feel so bad I did not eat all we ordered(my choice for my self). the chemotherapty f...

damn, what was going to go here. and spirits, soulbond, tulpa?

 I keep ruminating and inner monologing, scripting on rapid repeat and I forget what I was going to put here.  anway. in the late 90's some friends of mine had a sleep over at their mother. their mother was into weird spirtual things, crystal healing and such. with a Kerskin's ESP board (and some protection prayer I had thrown away some years ago, it contained phrases like "we surround ourselves in white light") they came into contact with an (Incan?) girl named Kolisp. somehow she knew ff7's Sephiroth(who's last name is something like Kaiytaki kyutaki?). we eventualy befriended what were various "spirits" of fictional characters and went a romantic rout. I was not paying attintion to Saga Fronteir's Ildon being gay and blind, but I feel for that green haired Mystic. well he wound up being evil, an imposter. I think Mike was his name. maybe Mike was another being. he tried hurting those friends, and one of our group of friends had his (spirit com...